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A glowing gradient spills across the floor, luring customers towards a series of kinetic sculptures, each personifying the Valextra ‘V’, rotating, opening and closing to reveal the vibrant collection. The simplicity of the ‘V’ extends throughout the architecture, forming monumental shapes and a dynamic backdrop, bouncing the eye around the boutiques like sun rays. At the centre, bold cantilevered plinths are juxtaposed against curvaceous soft seating, embodying moments of tension and thrill. A sophisticated play with light and colour compliments the space as purposefully creased paper clad walls pay homage to the unique and iconic tonality of Valextra’s Pergamena white. A vibrant carpet bleeds to off-white as though it is slowly being stripped of its colour to reveal the purity of this elegant white hue whilst an unexpected use of low and high pile textiles reveal themselves in niches, on walls and product displays inviting customers to reach out and interact with the here and now of the Valextra glow.